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#1 Online News in Philippines


Access to your personal information

You can seek access to information about yourself in departmental documents (other than exempt documents) under the Privacy Act or the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).
The best way for you to access your personal information depends on the circumstances:
Immediate access
You can seek to obtain original documents or copies of personal information by approaching us. Where the information is immediately available through our systems or on an electronic file, access will be allowed, unless we consider that is a reason under the Privacy Act, FOI Act or other relevant law to withhold the information.
Where the information is not immediately available or might be exempt
You will be requested to complete Form 424A Request for access to documents or information. This will allow us to track and monitor each request to ensure that we meet our legislative obligations under the FOI Act or Privacy Act.
Correcting your personal information

You can ask us to change the personal information we hold about you if you think that the information:
is incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading, and
has been, is being, or is available to be used for an administrative purpose, and
does not give rise to any questions of the person's identity.
How we amend or annotate a record depends on a number of circumstances.
Australian citizens

If you are an Australian citizen seeking to change your personal information on your evidence of Australian citizenship, such as your name or date of birth details, you must submit Form 119 with the required documents and fee with the Evidence Processing Unit in Parramatta. You application will be assessed under the provisions of the Australian Citizenship Act 2007.
If you seek amendment under the FOI Act to information which would cause your Evidence of Australian Citizenship to be different to your records, your request will be referred to Citizenship.
Non-Australian citizens

If you are not an Australian citizen but you have adequate documentation in support of an amendment to your personal information, such as an Australian government issued marriage certificate, counter staff can action the change without a formal request under the Privacy Act.
If you are not an Australian citizen and you do not have adequate documentation, you will be required to complete a request using Form 424C. You do not have to pay a fee for this request. Your request must be in writing and:
give details of the document and the information you believe is incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading, and
give reasons why you are asking for amendments, and
provide an address (physical or electronic) for us to reply to.
The Form 424C will be forwarded to the FOI section for assessment under either the Privacy or FOI Act.